Thursday, November 20, 2008

Miss Bailin loves international flying.

On international flights, they serve delicious meals. I flew on British Airways, so we had tea or coffee after each meal service because that is a British custom. Another delightful thing about international flying is the personal T.V. screens that are in all different languages. They have a variety of options to watch while you are flying. From kids shows, new release movies, television programs, and audio selections, I had my pick of what I wanted to watch. The most amazing thing about the personal televisions was the mapping technology. I could tap my finger on the map options and I could see exactly where we were in the air, the altitude, weather, how many more miles we had to fly and much more. It was amazing!

Although I had all of these wonderful things to keep me busy, I only watched snippets of movies and slept for the majority of my eighteen hours.


  1. Dear Erica,
    You've hit the ground running! Glad you got some sleep on the plane. I love the perspective you're showing of your trip. The pictures of the airplane monitors and food are a big hit. I look forward to watching your experiences from afar.
    Have a safe and enlightening journey,
    Jenifer P.

  2. Thanks Jenifer! It has been a very eventful day. I am amazed with so many things here and I am very appreciative of all we have.
    Becoming enlightened,
    Erica Bailin :)

  3. Wow, you are lucky, TV and a map. It probably took a lot of imagination to come up with a map like that. And what is that food, salad? If I was you I would sleep too! Wish you were here!

    -Michael Cruse
