Today was our first day at Miss Reynold's KV school. We had the wonderful opportunity to interact with the students. They were excited to meet me and they ADORE Miss Reynolds. I have never been more aware of how different I was until experiencing my travels in India. Everywhere I went, people looked at me curiously because seeing Americans is very rare, especially at the schools. All students greet teachers and stand when they enter rooms. I w
as greeted all day with, "Good morning 'mam?" and "How are you doing today 'mam?"
I was prepared with my Indian attire, but everyone liked that I was dressed differently and had a hairstyle that none of them did. I was completely accepted for who I was and still considered a part of their "family." That was a very powerful realization I had during this trip. For a group of people who are so different from me, not wanting me to change, but loving me for my differences really made an impact on me.
Today I had a chance to teach interactive lessons to students. I taught them how to do our celebration dances we use in class, like the "We're an awesome team, yes we are, and don't you know it!" I also taught them different ways to cheer for each other when someone earns success. We did the different types of applauses and gestures (Ch Ch...Wow). The students loved these activities and it completely change the learning environment to a classroom community. After the students were comfortable being risk takers and supporting each other, I began to teach them different games to review language and literacy skills. The students were very comfortable playing these games and were excited to participate. We even got the teachers involved. We also taught the students common games in America such as Simon Says to have them practice listening and interpreting English with connecting it to body movements. We were asked to come back tomorrow and teach math and English lessons. This was an enriching teaching experience and I am so honored to have been a part of it and to help teachers that need more ideas, support, and access to information and materials.