Indians celebrate many colorful festivals in honor of their Hindu Gods and Goddesses. American holidays, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Valentine's Day, are not celebrated in India. Because my students are holiday stir crazy and loooove each and every festival, I decided to bring my favorite American holiday to India: HALLOWEEN!
The project: My Indian students first studied the origin of Halloween and were to choose one person to dress up as for the Halloween party I was throwing. They had to write a 1 page report on the costume they chose to create and had to tell me the significance of the person they chose. It was interesting because while many of my Indian students chose Western superheros (like batman), others decided to honor their Hindu faith by dressing as one of their favorite Gods and Goddesses. I learned just as much from my students as they learned from me during this project. This is what teaching is all about. Teachers and students are a TEAM!
Enjoy the pics of Halloween in India. I had a BLAST with my students and loved the creativity involved with some of their homemade costumes. They were brilliant! By the way, that is me in traditional Indian dress- a sari!
Ms. Reynolds (Breanna mam)